Friday, April 29, 2011

Life Changing Product

Here at the Institute of Help we are always on the lookout for the latest innovative products to share with you, the reader. So when my siesta-taking, ceviche-eating, maya-ruin-visiting, pinto-driving cousin Jose Antonio Julio Marquez Botero Marquez de la Espada Marquez Jr. tells me that he has the best invention in the past 10 years, I am all ears and ready to get patted down to make my way down to Cosoleacaque, Mexico. “It will change your life forever” Jose clichéd.

One flight, two bus-rides, and three donkey shuttles later, I arrive at my cousins hammock to talk shop.
Leading me into a nearby building he takes me past two rooms with [editor snip] and exclaims “Tada! Ayayayayayai!” It appears to be a brand new toilet but in reality it is a used toilet.

Institute of Help: “What is this?”
JAJMBMEM: “A toilet”
Institute of Help: “You didn't have this before?”
JAJMBMEM: “Oh yeah I guess we did”

Safety: 1/5
Fun: 2/5
Overall: 1/10

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