Sunday, October 4, 2009

Handicapped Sign Review

This spot, this carving onto the earth, provides the much demanded accessibility required for viewing able-bodied children play tag, mulch or go up the stairs (6 steps). This posting has legal authority and precedence (through city ordinances) to keep at bay those children with properly functioning extremities who may otherwise want to loiter the gravelly area of the park. Please, reader, let me address one important fact that seems to be a understated in the provided photo-image. This space is not a parking spot nor is it immediately adjacent to a lot or road. To access this locality you must go up a small trail, maybe 200 feet. It is not that far, but rest assured, it is not a spot that can be reached by car. This factoid just ups the efficiency of the provided spot as one will need not wrangle with automobiles for this decisive enclave. Please do not try to roll your ‘chair into the playground area though because this playset does not have ramps and gravity prevents you from sliding upwards through the slides.

Overall Rating: Above-average

Fun Factor: 7/10

Safety: 10/10

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