Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Letters of the Alphabet Class

Illiteracy is a major problem is Burkina Faso, where the literacy rate is a staggering 23.6%. Virginia public libraries though, are doing their best to keep their kids from falling into the arms of illiteracy. Provided on the 6th or October was the Letters of the Alphabet class.

The instructor taught a great acronym for remembering all of the letters of the alphabet. Feel free to use it as you see fit, the acronym is: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Boom, each letter of the acronym corresponds to a letter in the alphabet, chronologically too. Additionally, the alphabet-guru taught us a quite useful rhyme to remember the alphabet:

Andrew behaved cowardly, ducking every fired gun.

Historically imitating Jimmy Kimmel, lacking moral nostalgia

Openly prancing quaintly, rascally sucking thumb

Unknowingly vocalizing wild xenophobia yonder Zambia

To summarize the class:


1. Covered all letters of the alphabet

2. Small but comfortable chairs

3. Great back and forth discussion / debate


1. Did not cover numbers, I know how to say and write ‘three’’ but I don’t know what the numerical representative is. “168”. Is that “three”?

2. Did not include international symbols such as ñ, ữ, or ₪.

168. Fingerplay not as expected

Overall Rating: Top-quality

Fun Factor: 9/10

Safety: 9.5/10

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